Hailing from the Peruvian capital of Lima, La Patronal is a singular brass band rooted in the tradition of fiestas populares (town fairs) common in rural villages across Latin America. Direct descendants of rural musicians from Peru, the members of La Patronal combine their first-hand knowledge of folk culture with their formal music studies to celebrate their heritage. With contagious percussion, vibrant brass and winds, and the vivid visual aspects of fiestas populares, including masks and traditional dance, La Patronal’s lively performances encourage, nay demand audience participation and dancing.
Pre-concert dance workshop. Starting at noon, an interactive dance workshop explores different dances of Peru: cumbia, marinera, morenada and toril. The workshop invites participants to learn basic movements and learn differences between the genres, and to learn the history the dances are rooted in.
This engagement of La Patronal is made possible through a program of
in partnership with