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Tue, May 10, 2016, 12:30pm1:30pm

Illustration of woman speaking and snapping her fingers, Litquake
Tue, May 10, 2016
12:30pm – 1:30pm
Jessie Square, Yerba Buena Gardens
760 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA + Google Map
(415) 543-1718


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Lines and lyrics from Litquake Nation! Enjoy line breaks during your lunch break, as some of the Bay Area’s best poets and musicians share their work in the great outdoors.

Photo of Tongo Eisen-MartinTongo Eisen-Martin is a movement worker and educator who has organized against mass incarceration and extra-judicial killing of Black people throughout the United States. His latest book of poems entitled someone’s dead already has been nominated for a California Book Award.

Photo of Leticia Hernández-LinaresLeticia Hernández-Linares is a poet, interdisciplinary artist, educator, and author of Mucha Muchacha, Too Much Girl. A three-time SFAC grantee, she lives, works, and writes in the Mission District—20 years strong.

Randall-MannRandall Mann is the author of three poetry books, most recently Straight Razor (Persea Books, 2013). A new collection, Proprietary, is forthcoming from Persea in 2017. He lives in San Francisco.

Photo of Kathleen WinterKathleen Winter’s poetry collection Nostalgia for the Criminal Past (Elixir Press) won the Antivenom Prize. Her poems appear in Tin House, AGNI, New Republic, Memorious, Poetry London, Gulf Coast and Volt. She lives in Sonoma.

Photo of Jimbo TroutMusical guest:
With his energetic performances, unique instrumental stylings, and dry wit, JimBo Trout has been developing the bluegrass sound in the Bay Area since 1990. His previous literary collaborations include singing “Good Night Irene” with Jack Hirschman.

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