Fasten your seatbelts for another wild yet thought-provoking ride with the world-renowned San Francisco Mime Troupe, with the ensemble’s annual new musical addressing contemporary America. Prepare for laughter, tragedy, snappy dialogue and live music. Pre-show music starts at 1:30pm.
Skyrocketing rents. Loss of diversity. Google Glass wearing nouveau riche attacked in bars. The War on the Poor. What is The City coming to? Veteran of the Revolution Deborah Johnson thinks she knows. So does immigrant-turned-super patriot Sunny Nguyen. And so does Silicon Valley’s newest star, Jeanine Adenauer. Each has reason to despise the other. So how do they end up together in a tour boat in the middle of San Francisco Bay? And when they realize all their lives center on the same overpriced, frequently Ellis Act-ed storefront apartment in the Bayview will they kill each other?
Jeanine hates the person who egged her during a Google bus protest, and the tenant who won’t leave so she can have her dream apartment, Sunny hates whoever is pushing her from her home, and the Leftists that are ruining America, and Deborah can’t stand both Tea Party nut bags and ethic-starved geniuses who make millions inventing new gadgets for the Police State!. Each one has a story to tell; a broken dream that brought them to this moment, and a past that divides them from the others. But can the old commie, the tech newbie, and the flag-waving beautician find common ground ashore, or will they all sink under the waves? What has Jeanine invented that is such a threat to freedom? And who profits from keeping them divided?
Ripple Effect – written by as esteemed trio of beloved Bay Area writers and performers including Michael Gene Sullivan (SFMT), Eugenie Chan (Cutting Ball) and Tanya Shaffer (Let My Enemy Live Long!). Music & lyrics by Ira Marlowe. Michael Bello is the music director and lead musician. Other musicans include: Peter Penhallow and Mick Berry. The show is co-directed by Wilma Bonet and Hugo E Carbajal. Ripple Effect features longtime Mime Troupe collective members – Velina Brown, Lisa Hori-Garcia, Keiko Shimosato Carreiro, and Michael Gene Sullivan.
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