The ukulele is truly the people’s instrument, and SF Uke Jam is the Bay Area’s leading force bringing fans of the diminutive instrument together. Whether you play or just enjoy hearing the ukulele being strummed by trained fingers, come join the SFUJ community for an afternoon uke-apalooza in the summer sun with a program showcasing the region’s foremost ukulele talent, a community strum-and-sing-along (bring your uke!), and special hula performances. Hosted by SF Uke Jam leaders and popular YouTube stars Ukulenny and Cynthia Lin, this ukadacious celebration creates an island of aloha in the bustling city.
Pre-show beginner ukulele lesson with Ukulenny at 12:15–12:45pm.
Ukuleles generously lent by Kala Brand Music, the event’s sponsor, for the first 20 participants.